And this will block users from creating new WorkFlow Rules. Yes that's true.
So I know all you Flownatics out there does not care much about it but it is important for all the workflow rule users.
So now what will we do?
How we will use our WorkFlow Rules Further?
Don't Worry!
Salesforce has given us a great option to convert all our WorkFlow Rules to Flow.
The Option is called "Migrate To Flow".
With this option just with a click you can easily migrate your workflow rules to flow.
In this blog you will learn how you can do that.
But just remember there are some considerations as well which I will share at the end of this blog.
So, Keep on reading. 📑
In this example I have a workflow rule with the name "Account Created Date". In this I have added that If an account is created on 11/10/2022 or before that then the expiry date will be update to one month after today's date.
This is just an example to show you how to use Migrate to Flow Option.
Have a look at my WorkFlow Rule :
Now to go to Migrate to Flow from setup search Migrate to Flow in the Quick Find Box and click on migrate to flow option.
You will see this screen :
From here select the workflow rules that you want to merge and then click on Migrate to Flow Button.
That's it. Your flow is created but it is not activated yet.
Go to the List of flows and click on the flow.
Your flow will be created with the same name as your WorkFlow Rules.
Here is our Flow. Now, Click on the flow and go to the flow builder. This is your flow :
Here you can see your flow with a formula created automatically and also an update element to update the expiry date.
That's it. That's how you can Migrate your workflow rules to flow.
Now that you know how to do that, There are some point to consider.
Please read it carefully.
The Migrate to Flow tool supports workflow rules that contain these items.
Field-based criteria
Field updates
Email alerts
Outbound messages
Time-dependent workflow actions
Rule criteria formula that's set to true (unless evaluation criteria is also set to created, and any time it's edited to subsequently meet criteria)
Equal to null
Not equal to null
Rule criteria formula
Workflow rules that contain the following can't migrate with the Migrate to Flow tool.
Criteria with no defined workflow actions
Global variable fields
Fields on related records
Record types
The does not contain, includes, excludes, or within operators
The greater than, greater or equal, less than, less or equal operators on picklist fields
Formulas that use Hour, Minute, Second, TimeNow, TimeValue, IsClone, or $RecordType
Relative date values in date fields
Multiple currencies
To manually convert workflow rules with unsupported use cases in entry criteria, use the Decision element.
Create a Decision element inside the Flow as the first step.
Recreate the workflow rule steps with the condition builder
To manually convert workflow rules that use the does not contain operator, use custom condition logic. For example, create a condition that uses the Contains operator in the first condition, and in the condition logic, enter NOT 1.
To manually convert workflow rules that use tasks, use the Create Records option and create a record of the Task object.
Flows support workflow actions for Email Alerts and Outbound Messages. To add these workflow actions to a flow, use the Action element.
To replicate relative date values, such as TODAY or NEXT WEEK, use the Decision element.
Hope you find this useful. If you want to checkout the video tutorial please click on the link below :
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Very nice :-)